Sunday, July 4, 2010


I smile ran across my face as I read the first chapter of Daniel Pink's Drive. It wasn't a surprise to me that motivation does not come from rewards. People who get motivated to perform a task by monetary means or just rewards in general just tend to get pumped for a short period of time and lose interest. I have seen this in my own family. My mother to try to get my brothers to obey and do their chores offered to reward my brothers with money which t first made them very happy and excited of course but that has eventually turned completely bad. My brothers were of course motivated or moved by the sight of this reward then but now they will not do anything unless they get something in return. Parents (including my mom unfortunately) who use rewards to get their children are failing to see that this system of educating is not the most appropriate. When my brothers no longer obeyed without some type of reward, I realized what happened immediately. My mother lost control of the situation and now she has to find a way to fix it. The experiments that these scientist did back then just proved what I had believed for some time.


  1. Tamar, I think your mommy needs to do the opposite of rewards and start to threaten them. It works if the treats really effect them. I promise. Try taking away cable or video games. I mean completely. Not just for like a day or two. Get rid of it completely.

  2. Parents aren't the only ones who make this mistake. Schools do too. Employers also. As you read on in the book, perhaps think about what can motivate your brothers in more positive ways?

  3. I think if you "threaten them" that definitely counts as a "stick". David seems to be arguing that "sticks" are effective at times. Would Pink agree or disagree with you? Are "sticks" always effective? Are they never effective?

  4. Awarding people is good to a certain limit but as we see in many cases parents and schools and at times school pass that limit and over reward a child that each and every time the people are looking for rewards many time a physical reward. I think the best way to solve this is by not telling them that they are going to receive a reword that way the people do the thing because they want to, but we all know that it doesn't work that way unfortunately, but the occasional "threat" might or might not.
