Friday, October 7, 2011

Type X and Type I

Erika Dennis to me
show details 6:37 AM (14 hours ago)
Although Drive describes many factors of motivation, they also introduce two factors to describe people. These two factors are known as type X and type I. Type X behavior us encouraged " more by extrinsic desires than intrinsic ones" (pg. 77). Thus type represents motivation 2.0. Examples of this are people like Donald Trump. For example, Donald Trump may donate to a charity, but he is only doing it for publicity. Type I is the complete opposite if type X. It represents a good deed thar is done for personal and cultural effective gain. According to Drive, Type I " concerns itself less with the external rewards to which an activity leads and mire with the inherent satisfaction of the activity itself. (pg. 77). Examples like this would be people like Opera Winfrey.
The main goal is to upgrade from type X to type I. By doing so, we will "strengthen our organizations, get beyond our decade of underachievement, and address the inchoate sense that something's gone wrong in our businesses, out lives, and our world" (pg. 77). This transformation will not only be beneficial to our lives, but also to the entire world as well. We will also be producing a better generation of people who will be able to teach others. Type I teaches people to focus more on doing a good deed for the advancement of society, not just self gain. Although type X appears to be a better deal, type I always outperform type X in the long run. Pink states, "Intrinsically motivated people usually achieve more than their reward-seeking counterparts" (pg. 79).
If a person embodies type X factors, it is possible for them to become a person with type I factors. Although I would like to consider myself as this kind of person [type I], I know I have a tendency of letting extrinsic rewards obscure by vision of the main purpose. How is one suppose to transform to type I behavioral habits if they have the desiring need for external rewards such as money to maintain a sustainable living during hard times.

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