Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mesoamerican Origins

If origins began in Mesoamerica, animal domestication would certainly be different. First off, the animals that would be domesticated would be different ones: rather than Eurasian and African animals, it would be the animals of Mesoamerica. That means that instead of having animals such as pigs, horses and chicken, to name a few, domesticated worldwide we would have animals native to Mesoamerica domesticated. So, that means that the animals domesticated would have been very different. Also, animals that have gone extinct in Mesoamerica would have had better chances of survival and those of African and Eurasian descent would have had less chances of survival.

Societies in the Americas would have been better physically. That is, they would have been healthier and they would have been able to develop immunity to more diseases, as did the Africans and Eurasians in reality. Those of the Americans would have had much better chances against the European conquerors and perhaps could have been the conquerors of the world and history could have had been written much differently, with a hint of Mesoamerican culture.

Monday, September 26, 2011


I've tried and tried to apply the content of Drive to my senior project and myself and I am just about ready to give up. This does not make any sense to me. I've written about how according to Drive the project I want to do will not work. However, I am not convinced. This book isn't for me. None of it makes sense. I have lived my whole life and have done fairly well. What drove me to do so? No, not myself. Everything came from extrinsic motivations: either positive or negative. When people doubt me, I make it goal to prove them wrong. When people help me, I make it a goal to make them proud. I feel that I have never done anything that I wanted because I wanted. I don't feel that I have ever motivated myself. I've heard of the concept before and tried it; but, it wasn't me. The book Drive, instead of aid me, put a big brick wall in my path and confused me. I don't know what to do.

What do I do?

I do not know what I want to do. I cannot decide between entrepreneurship and conducting an experiment. According to Drive, if my motive with entrepreneurship is to make money, then it will be of poor quality. However, though I am driven by making more money, I also would like to help others better their lives by learning them to make more money. I also am thinking of conducting an experiment. I have read books on the effects of exorcize on education and am genuinely interested in conducting an experiment of my own. This would not acquire me any money, simply satisfaction. Drive, is convincing me to pursue this rather than entrepreneurship. However, I am not yet sure. Knowing myself, I know I am driven to do very well when money is involved. Those task, though, have always been manual work. So, my goal is one of two things: do both projects or find a way to combine the both. Any suggestions?